Welcome to the website of the Plymouth Astronomical Society (PAS)


Based in Plymouth, Devon, UK - we are a local society that holds meetings every month to enable like minded space enthusiasts to socialise and share our interest!


When do we meet? - See below or our meetings and events page.

Upcoming Meetings



Society meetings are normally held on the second Friday of each month from September to July and are free for members (See how to become a member on our Join Us Page).  Visitors are very welcome (£3 at the door) - Please bring cash, change preferred, we have no card payment facilities.

All these meetings will be from 7.30 - 9.30pm in our normal room on the Plymouth University campus, Room - Rolle 002 (Ground floor).

There is a map on the Join Us page of our website https://plymouthastro.co.uk/Join-Us/


Please note that there will be plenty of time at the meetings for socialising but that refreshments will no longer be served, please feel free to bring a drink and vending machines are available outside. For any further details regarding these meetings, get in touch with us on our Contact Us page.


Please Note: Due to increases in the costs of running the society, as of September 2024 we have had to increase the yearly membership from £15 to £20 and the guest entry from £2 to £3. Apologies for this, we hope you still enjoy and find value in attending our Society meetings.


Meetings normally conclude with a short presentation of "What's in the night sky this month?".


Friday 10th January 2025

Talk Title: Shadows in Space and the Stories They Tell" by Mary McIntyre FRAS

Zoom Talk with Real Audience meet in Rolle2. Mary is a prolific speaker, author and advocate for astronomy and public outreach and is a regular contributor to the "Sky At Night Magazine".

The study of shadows here on Earth or on photographs of the lunar surface, there is so much we can learn, but it doesn't stop there because shadows are absolutely everywhere in space. From cloud shadows, eclipses and images of shadows on other planets, asteroids or comets the shadows have taught us so much. This talk covers all of this and more!

Followed by Steve Cookes "Whats up on the sky in January and Spaceflight retrospective" 


Friday 14th February 2025

60th Anniversay Meeting. Talk by Sheila Evans  on the History of the Society, its beginnings with Patrick Moore and eventsup to today, followed by Steves "Whats up on the February Sky" and Spaceflight  60 years ago.


Friday 14th March 2025

Equipment Evening. Bring your own telescope (if you like) and ask our members for advice . Short talk on Solar Observing by Chris Cooke  (in preperation for the upcoming partial eclipse) followed by Steve Cooke on "Whats Up in the Night Sky"


Saturday 29th March 2025

Partial Solar Eclipse visible form Plymouth 10:00 AM to 12:00 Mid day - EVENT LOCATION TO BE DECIDED 


Friday  11th April 2025

Talk by Carolyne Kennet FRAS,Chair of The Society for the History of Astronomy

Title to be confirmed





Got some ideas? Have questions? Get in touch.

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